Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Raining day again ,very sleepy ZZZZ....why blog very difficult to use?how can i change my layout and design? Got who can teach me?haizzz last time my friends ask me to open and write blog but i lazy !!!now just.......so lateee

**NOW put some picture for last night ...Guest who was the Vampire?haha
BEFORE Me^^look like pig haha

IN process be Vampire!!!!!

Now really become the Vampire....OMGGGGG!!Haha ,got see any Vampire got posting like tat?? This was a Modern Vampire haha

Stay turn for the next episode for NTV7 Women Zone,at Sunday 6.30pm,got pretty JanChin

Thanks the AMBERCHIA ACADEMY makeup guru JILYONGU are awesome

U know who is he?haha yup,he is Wind ...8TV host

My lovely producer JieJie Junchanlove u forever muacksss and very wan to say thanks to u a lot and感恩

And also my Ah Kee gor gor,this is my 8TV Pretty Fun producer...handsome guy

This was my four time to up the tv show but this is 1st time challege like this Vampire makeup....look like very fresh haha^^had a good try....bz Halloween is on the way,so can learn this makeup go for party night...If u guy wan to learn about the Vampire makeup, pls hold every Sunday 6.30pm on NTV7 Women Zone

U guys like my Vampire face??? ==!!! I dunwan be ungly vampire!!!
But I very like the lip colour, sexy lip colour...The lip colour not all black,got mix some purple ,red colour..nice lipstick

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